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equipment:music [2022/01/11 19:51] – [Musical instruments] trimenequipment:music [2022/01/11 19:54] (current) – [Musical equipment] trimen
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 2x Audio-Technica AT-LP140XP with Ortofon Qbert and AT-XP3 cartridges\\ 2x Audio-Technica AT-LP140XP with Ortofon Qbert and AT-XP3 cartridges\\
 2x Mackie Thump15 speakers\\ 2x Mackie Thump15 speakers\\
-Behringer DJX700 audio mixer (need repair)\\ +Phonic Helix Board 24 FireWire MKII with built-in 16 ch. FireWire soundcard\\ 
-Behringer DX626 audio mixer\\ +Ecler HAK360 mixer with Eternal fader\\
-Allen&Heath ZEDi10FX audio mixer\\+
 Zoom B1On and G1On multi-effects\\ Zoom B1On and G1On multi-effects\\
 Laney B1 bass amp with Harke 410XL V2 cabinet \\ Laney B1 bass amp with Harke 410XL V2 cabinet \\