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start [2023/03/18 14:39] – [Ongoing:] new projrct maxfx crawler maxfxstart [2023/09/12 11:41] (current) martyet
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 ====== Hackerspace TAKT Praha ====== ====== Hackerspace TAKT Praha ======
 +Please refer to our new WIKI available [[|here]]
 ===== About: ===== ===== About: =====
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 **[[projects:networklab| Network Lab]]** - switches, hardware, UTP cables, data, servers, UNIX, network focus\\ **[[projects:networklab| Network Lab]]** - switches, hardware, UTP cables, data, servers, UNIX, network focus\\
 **[[projects:kindlepw5 | Kindle hacking]]** - exploring Kindle PW5, HW, SW\\ **[[projects:kindlepw5 | Kindle hacking]]** - exploring Kindle PW5, HW, SW\\
-**[[projects:crawler | sreality. crawler]]** - small sreality crawler \\+**[[projects:crawler | Sreality crawler]]** - small sreality crawler \\
 ===Planned:=== ===Planned:===
 **[[projects:crta|CRTA]]** - Wireless realtime audio\\ **[[projects:crta|CRTA]]** - Wireless realtime audio\\
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 **[[|Stylocard]]** - USB MIDI stylocard made for Maker Faire Prague\\ **[[|Stylocard]]** - USB MIDI stylocard made for Maker Faire Prague\\
 <del>**[[projects:tnas|TNAS]]** - TAKT NFC access system (replaced by GR8G8)</del>\\ <del>**[[projects:tnas|TNAS]]** - TAKT NFC access system (replaced by GR8G8)</del>\\
 +**[[|STK8BA58 I2C Lib]]** - STK8BA58 and STK8321 accelerometer Arduino library\\
 =====Equipment===== =====Equipment=====