Table of Contents

2D & 3D printers

Here is list of printers we currently have available. If you are interested in printing something, dont hesitate to reach members mentioned in each section, which works with the printer on daily basis.

2D printers

HP LaserJet P4015 - 192.168.42.???

3D printers


Prusa i3 MK2
Prusa i3 MK3S (stream url
Tevo Tarantula Pro
Snapmaker Original with laser and engraver
JGAURORA A5 - under high devastation (maintenance)

Experienced users: etalon, adimedus, martyet


HAVE TO: Retraction distance maximally 0.5mm Put G29 into init script (right after G28)

FIlament change? Dot use filament changer in the printer, instead manually move Extruder axis

fill me with more iinfo


Anycubic Photon S

Tiskneme také na zakázku, pro nacenění nás kontaktujte na info[zavinac]
We offer custom pritnting, contact us for a price proposal at info[a]


40W CO2 Laser
!!More info!!